Vitamins & Minerals - What are they good for??

We seem to be forever talking about the importance of rotation of proteins. What is the big deal?? Take a look, are you missing any, or maybe feeding too much of something.
A quick reference chart for some of the important vitamins and minerals and where to find them
Variety is the "Heart & Soul" of a good quality diet and too much or too little of any one, could cause deficiencies or problems. We strongly suggest 3-4 different proteins per month, mix it up... keep them guessing and enjoying everything you have to offer.
Essential Vitamins
Promotes healthy liver function. Helps bone formation and repair. Increases longevity.
Protein Sources: Egg, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine, liver
Antioxidant which helps prevent cancer and heart disease. Prevents cell damage. Reduces blood pressure and promotes healthy skin and hair.
Protein Sources: Ostrich, buffalo, Elk, egg, halibut, haddock, Hake,sardine, kidney, liver, brain
Essential for calcium and phosphorous utilization. Prevents rickets. Needed for normal growth of bones and teeth. Helps regulate heartbeat. Prevents cancer and enhances immunity. Aids thyroid function and blood clotting.
Protein Sources: Beef, elk,Egg, sardine, liver, kidney, salmon, tuna
VITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid)
Helps calcium and iron formation. Enhances immunity. Helps prevent cancer. Aids in production of anti-stress hormones. Antioxidant required for proper tissue growth and repair, and adrenal gland function.
Protein Sources: Liver, kidney, heart, fish
VITAMIN B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Helps prevent anemia. Protects nervous system, improves concentration, aids digestion.
Protein Sources: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, elk,salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine)
Needed to produce hydrochloric acid. Aids in absorption of fats, and protein. Mildly diuretic, helps prevent kidney stones. Helpful in treating allergies, arthritis, and asthma.
Protein Sources: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
VITAMIN B3 (Niacin)
Essential for proper circulation and healthy skin. Increases energy, aids digestion, helps prevent migraines.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, elk,salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine, tuna
VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin)
Needed for red blood cell formation, aids growth and reproduction, promotes hair, skin and nail growth. Important in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.
Protein Sources: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake,sardine
Enhances immunity, prevents eye problems and skin disorders. Important in bone and teeth formation. Protects against colds and infection. Slows aging process.
Protein Sources: Chicken, pork, egg, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardines, liver, kidney, brain, tuna
VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)
Promotes growth, improves mental attitude, aids digestion, helps strengthen nervous system and prevent stress.
Protein Sources: Liver, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
Builds and protects bones and teeth. Helps maintain regular heartbeat. Prevents muscle cramping.
Protein Sources: (found in the bone of any animal ) Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
Converts iron to hemoglobin. Protects against anemia. Needed for healthy bones and joints.
Protein Sources: Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
Needed in trace amounts for a healthy thyroid gland , and to help metabolize excess fat.
Protein Sources: Salmon, haddock, Hake seafood, egg
Essential for metabolism, and the production of hemoglobin.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
Needed for teeth and bone formation, nerve impulse transfer, normal heart rhythm, and kidney function.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
Prevents calcification of soft tissue. Helps reduce and dissolve calcium phosphate kidney stones. Helps prevent birth defects. Improves cardiovascular system.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake , sardine
Regulates water balance, and muscle function. Important for health nervous system and regular heart rhythm.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk,salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
Promotes growth and mental alertness. Accelerates healing. Regulates oil glands. Promotes healthy immune system, and healing of wounds.
Protein Sources: rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
Provides an important trace element for prostrate gland in males. Protects immune system and helps regulate thyroid hormones.
Protein Sources: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, Elk, salmon, halibut, haddock, Hake, sardine
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