Sparty & Zara

There’s Sparty the handsome. He’s not as chubby as he looks; it’s all fur! And then there’s little Zara, looking fierce in the middle of a yawn. Both kitties have eaten a nutritious raw diet for well over 5 years now. When it came time to find a solution for Sparty’s sensitive stomach problems and a way to prevent a reoccurrence of the urinary crystals that had plagued him in the past, I knew that a healthier diet was the way to go. But poor Sparty was a kibble-head and so very set in his ways!
Eventually I got him to switch to a grain-free wet food, but it still didn’t improve his digestive issues. Then along came Zara who had never known a life without scrumptious raw meat. Once I got Sparty to join his new sister in her carnivore ways there was never another stomach problem to be had, and no more urinary crystals either. Now, if only I could find a solution to the tufts of fur that plague my house on a never-ending basis.