This is Maggie

Against all odds, she's now 9.5 years old. She has had four knee surgeries, two mast cell tumors removed, and several other incidents and accidents. On top of that, she's got IBD and is very sensitive to food. I figured out very quickly that she couldn't survive on kibble (years ago, our "meet n greet" was spent cleaning her liquid diarrhea off my white carpet), so I started feeding raw. She loves it, thrives on it, and I'll never have a kibble fed dog again :)
Her vet and rehab bills may have soared well over $25k (so far), but she's worth every penny.
Here's a short video I made back in 2011 to celebrate 5 years with my dog:
Maggie - "it's not about the money" seems to have become her theme song!