
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Nothing makes us happier than a happy customer. As a growing company, communication is key to our success. You are the only reason we are here and you matter most!! We have a complete commitment to making customer service our number one priority.

 If you are ever not satisfied with:



Our goal is to delivery your order within 72 hours (currently Monday - Friday). If a product is not available in this time frame an email will be sent providing the next available date or an option for substitution.

Resolution - Late orders (over 24 hours from emailed date of delivery) will be credited 50% of the initial order value. - ha, ha, ha, this has never happened but we thought we should let you know we mean it.


Is there a problem with the quality of the item your ordered, you are missing an item, or were delivered a wrong item? Let us know within 24 hours. Us silly humans make mistakes.

Resolution - We will replace the item free of charge on our next delivery run in your area, or when the product becomes available.

** Quality of item is limited to our product descriptions, stale product dates (6 months) and damaged packaging. Please do not hesitate to contact us concerning other issues.


We pride ourselves at providing quality products at fair and competitive pricing. If you find a product price is out of line, just lets us know.

Resolution - Drop us a line and we will happily match that price.


If any staff member has not provide you with prompt (max 24hrs), helpful and courteous communication.

Resolution - A $5.00 credit or points value will be credited to your account.

Any other reason you are not satisfied??

We would love to hear from you!! Let us know what is on your mind and we will do our very best to rectify any and all issues. Again, you are the only reason we are here and you matter most. Contact Us

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