
Not for the Faint of Heart or Queazy...

Not for the Faint of Heart or Queazy...

One step back…..
Well, getting a handle on that little potty training issue is going to be way bigger than I even thought and it hasn't happened, I haven't had time.
It appears that the very best investment I ever made was a Hoover Carpet Cleaner….  and we became very good friend today.
I am a bit stumped on how to handle this issue…. she will not use the pads and there is no way I can lead her to the yard on a leash.
The only way to get her to go, even though I am not trying, is to scare her. She actually held it for over 24 hours =(
Your mind tends to wander while cleaning the carpet, and I think the best solution would be linoleum floors with a drain in the middle. This of course would not be a choice on Love it or List it, but better than ruined carpets and hardwood =) I think that would be considered a crazy dog lady thought.

On a brighter note One step forward….
We have figured out the meal routine!!, She just eats in the kitchen when I feed the other two…. No big deal =) In the mornings now, I remove the top off her crate as I don't want her hiding in there all day. She then runs to the safe spot under the kitchen table (the piddle pad stack) Where she spends the majority of her day.  I just place her bowl down the end of where the other 2 eat, and up she gets and gingerly moves over =) She is still in a sheltered area where she feels safe…. the fact that this worked pleasantly surprised me.

John will be home tomorrow so another big scary thing to get use too…. wish us luck =)

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