COVID-19 Outbreak Concerns and Deliveries

Dear Valued Customers,
In an attempt to alleviate your concerns of shortages, we here at Wild At Heart are working hard to ensure there will be no interruption of deliveries.
We have a good supply of most of everyone's usual items, as well, we are working with local suppliers to ensure accessibility. There may be some disruption of transport incoming from back east, but these items have been ordered in advance and should arrive in plenty of time.
If we don’t have something available, we will let you know, and we assure you, we will have something comparable. We understand everyone's concerns and adding a few items extra to your orders is fine, but we ask, do your fellow customers a favor and do not order in excess.
Our staff continue to follow thorough self-sanitizing measures, and although we are unaware at this moment of any staff members being affected by COVID-19 we are adhering to Government of Canada regulations regarding self quarantining at the first sign of symptoms or possible known exposure.
In an attempt to keep our drivers safe, we will be staying at a safe distance (3 meters) which may mean leaving your order at the door, or if needed, placing it in a convenient location for you to pick up. If there is someone sick at your location, please let us know so we can take any possible additional precautions.
We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will provide further updates if the situation changes.
Working together with a strong community sense, we will all get through this =)
From all of us at Wild At Heart, let's stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Barbara J Stewart on 31 Jul 15:04
Wild at Heart has been one of the real bright spots in our new stay-at-home lives. From the outset, they’ve been well-informed, committed to safety, and steady in service. And just knowing that I was going to have to their help keeping my dog, Frances, healthy and happy was a huge relief. But not a surprise. In the almost six years we’ve been with them they have consistently looked after us and looked out for us. Thank you all. Stay safe out there.
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